1 Workshop staff use workshop floor tablets to be fully informed and fully engaged
2 Production Management have real time reporting tool with dashboards to plan and monitor production far better
3 20% to 40%+ reduction in labour times on jobs therefore 20% to 40%+ reduction in labour costs on jobs
A manufacturer or engineer with for example 10 workshop staff can achieve 80 hours minimum additional production per
week and $6,400 additional revenue per week (at $80 per hour overhead rate), which is $313,000 additional revenue per year. This $313,000 additional revenue is largely additional profit because all overhead costs are already incurred in existing production levels. This is $3.13m largely additional profit over 10 years.
“No other Workshop Productivity and Scheduling Software App in the world, that we are aware of, has track record of:
1 21 years and 220 manufacturing and engineering clients
2 101 client case studies documented proof of 20% to 40%+ increases in their clients’ workshop productivity, for 90%+ of clients
We encourage you to research these critically important 2 points above – which are the ultimate measures of industry leading and world leading workshop productivity and scheduling software Apps”
4 50% reduction in weekly ‘Downtime’. Approximately 8 hours per staff member per week current Downtime can reduce to 4 hours perstaff member per week, saving approximately 4 hours per staff member per week. For example, for businesses with 10 workshop staff this is 40 additional production hours per week.
5 Workshop staff promptness secured around: starting work, both sides of each break, both sides of lunch and day end.
Saving “stolen time” approximately 30 minutes per staff member per day approximately 2.5 hours per staff member per
week. For example, for businesses with 10 workshop staff this is 25 additional production hours per week.
6 Workshop staff working 10% minimum more time focused on Jobs, therefore 10% minimum reduction in job time and job
labour cost. This equates to a minimum saving of 3 hours per staff member per week. For example, for businesses with 10 workshop staff this is 30 additional production hours per week.
7 Actual time on Jobs meeting Budgeted time on Jobs on 90%+ of Jobs
8 Elimination of any ‘Over Time’ workshop staff are currently working
9 Job scheduling accurate, real time and viewable companywide
10 Far greater quoting accuracy, based on database history of accurate Job times and Task times
11 50 inch TV monitors on workshop walls and office walls present: jobs, tasks and individual staff job times reporting, in real
time, continuously throughout the day
12 Significant increase in number of and percentage of quotes accepted, through substantially lower labour time and labour cost on jobs.
13 Far greater cost competitiveness in the market place
14 Variations accounted for weekly to the minute
15 Rework accounted for and staff reasons reporting
16 Formal QA process and Staff Checklist option to every Job
17 20% to 50%+ more jobs ‘Delivered In Full On Time’ (DIFOT)
18 20% to 50%+ reduction of lead times on jobs
19 30% to 90%+ increase in your annual profit. Financial templates confirm:
• a 10% increase in workshop productivity is projected to increase annual profit by 30%
• a 20% increase in workshop productivity is projected to increase annual profit by 60%
• a 30% increase in workshop productivity is projected to increase annual profit by 90%
20 Easier to hold performance reviews and pay workshop staff fairly and equitably based on accurate performance reporting
in Empower
21 Option of pre production staff being tracked on Empower, pre production staff are now job and time focused on every job. Option of any off site staff being tracked on Empower, any off site staff are now job and time focsed on every job
22 Real time reporting of workshop staff jobs times to develop a companywide focus on job times
23 Systems and Reporting to develop a companywide high performance culture
24 Once labour time on jobs has reduced by 20% to 40%+ and labour cost on jobs reduced by 20% to 40%+ then… significant increases to: number and percent of quotes accepted, market share, client numbers, production levels, revenue and profit
” We guarantee two outcomes
Empower will provide you with time unlimited phone and Teamviewer/Zoom advice from our support team free of charge untill you have secured these gains”.
*Conditions Apply.
Deliverables are potential gains for the average client. Deliverables are estimates based on client gains witnessed to date.
Maximum gains require full use of Empower for 6 months minimum and seeking and following Empower’s advice