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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Products > Process Groups

Process Groups

A Process Group is a 
grouping of Processes. 

For example you may decide to have a Process Group called Assembly. And you may have a various Processes in that Process Group, e.g. Preassemble, Assemble, Install, etc.

Process Groups can have a capacity - for example you may have a Process Group called Assembly with a capacity of 16 hours.  This means that in any 24 hour period, Assembly has a capacity of 16 hours.

For more information on Capacity see Scheduling Capacity.

 To set up a new Process Group, from the Main Management Menu go to Set Up > Advanced Set Up > Process Group


To add a Process to a Process Group, from the Main Management Menu go to Set Up > Process.  Next to the Process you wish to edit, click Edit.


Change the Process Group Name to the one you require.

See also