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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Task Topics > Sequencing > Removing Sequencing

Removing Sequencing

There are two ways to remove a Sequence.

1.  The first way is to remove a Sequence from a single Process in a Product. 

From the Main Menu select Product > Edit and select the Product you wish to remove the Sequence from.

You should see a page similar to 


 Click on the Sequence button for the Sequence to be removed (highlighted above).

You should see a page similar to


Lastly click on the Delete button (highlighted above). 

2. The second way to remove a Sequence is remove all the Sequencing from a Product.

From the Main Menu select Product > Edit and select the Product you wish to have Sequencing removed from.

You should see a page similar to


Click on Remove Sequence.  This will remove all Sequencing from the Product - note that if this button is not visible there will be no Sequences for this Product.



See also