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Gantt Chart Sorting by Date

The order that Jobs are displayed in the Gantt chart can be sorted by various dates depending on a setting in Tools > Settings.

To do this, select Tools > Settings from the main menu and from the Scheduling tab select the Scheduled Date is field (see highlighted below)


There are two options 

1.  Scheduled Date set to Start (as highlighted) above

With this setting, the Gantt chart will look like


Clicking on Sort By Scheduled Start Date (highlighted above) will sort the Jobs on the Scheduled Start Date column.

Clicking on Sort By Est Finish Date (highlighted above) will sort the Jobs on the Estimated Finish Date column.

2.  The Scheduled Date (in Tools > Settings) is set to Finish

With this setting, the Gantt chart will look like


Clicking on Sort By Est Start Date (highlighted above) will sort the Jobs on the Estimated Start Date column.

Clicking on Sort By Scheduled End Date (hig lighted above) will sort the Jobs on the Scheduled End Date column.


See also