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Home > Materials > Stock Control > Receiving Materials

Receiving Materials

After raising a New Purchase Order the Material will be delivered and received into inwards goods. 

To update your stock control that Material should be received into stock in Empower.

To do this, from the Main Menu select Material > Received.

You should see a page similar to


Select either a Supplier or a Purchase Order number.

For this example we will select a Supplier, after which you should see a page similar to


Input the required information including Quantity Received (see highlighted above) and then click Receive.  Note that you can also Provide Materials in this page.

The quantity received will be removed from Quantity On Order and added to the Quantity In Stock.  To see this in the Edit Material page (see highlighted below) 


As an example, imagine that 3 X 12mm plates were received, then the Quantity on Order would reduce to 2, and the Quantity In Stock would increase to 13 (see highlighted below).

It is also possible to Receive and Provide Materials In Factory  and Add Material to a Job in Management.


See also