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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Scheduling Topics > Gantt Charts > The Gantt Chart Menu

The Gantt Chart Menu

The Gantt Chart menu (see below outlined in yellow) allows for the look and feel of the Gantt Chart to be altered.


Depending on your settings, various columns and menu items may be different to the above - see Adding Fields to the Gantt Chart and Gantt Chart Sorting by Date.

Taking each part of the menu in turn.

File Operations

  • ​The Save Button saves your Gantt Chart work  
  • It will save any changes to Task Scheduled dates (e.g. after a drag and drop) automatically updating your Schedule and also to any Employees or Work Centers assigned  
  • Its not necessary to save your work after each drag and drop, once at the end is all that is needed. 

  • The Print button prints the Gantt Chart  

  • The Move All Tasks button allows all Tasks on a particular day to be moved to another day

  • The Refresh button refreshes the Gantt Chart display - e.g. after a filter has been selected.

Timeline Operations





  • The Critical Path button highlights the critical path

Display Operations

  • The Highlight Tasks button allows Tasks to be highlighted in yellow

  • The Move Up button moves selected Tasks up the chart

  • The Move Down button allows selected Tasks down the chart
Sort By Scheduled Start Date and Sort By Est 

VIew By Job Group 

  • This displays all Job Groups that have been scheduled. 

Show Filters

Clicking on Show Filters (see highlighted below)


Displays various available filters (see highlighted below)


  • Filter On Job No allows a particular Job to be viewed in the chart

  • Filter On Process allows only Tasks for a particular Process to be viewed in the chart

  • Filter On Process Group allows only Tasks for a particular Process Group to be viewed in the chart

  • Filter On Job Status allows only Tasks either Active, On Hold or Yet To Start to be viewed in the chart

  • Filter On Job Group allows only Tasks for a particular Product Group  to be viewed in the chart



See also