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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Employee Topics  > Hiding the Green Clock In Button

Hiding the Green Clock In Button

The usual way to Clock In in the Factory and Phone App versions is to click on the green Factory Clock In and Out button (see highlighted below for the Factory version).


But it is possible to hide this button and require Employees to Clock In when they first Log in to a Task in the Factory and Phone App - see Factory Log In and Log Out.

There are two ways to do this.

 1.  Hiding the green Clock In Button for all User Logins.

      From the Main Management Menu, select Tools > Settings


    Clicking on the Advanced button (see highlighted above) displays a number of additional settings.

    Ensure that Hide Factory Clock In Button is set to on (as displayed below)


    Note that only an Administrator can alter this setting.

2.  Hiding the green Clock In Button for selected User Logins.

    To do this, from the Account version, go to User > Edit User and select the User you wish to have the Green Clock In button hidden from.

    Ensure that Hide Factory Clock In Button is set to True (see highlighted below).


See also