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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Employee Topics  > Filtering Work Centers on Sub Factories

Filtering Work Centers on Sub Factories

A Work Center is a group of Employees - for more information see Work Centers.

 A Sub Factory is a part of your Organisation - for more information see Sub Factories.

In the Factory version, it is possible to filter the drop down list of Work Centers based on the Sub Factory that the Employee is in.

To do this

1.  From the Main Management Menu, select Set Up > Advanced Set Up > Work Center.

     You should see something similar to


      Ensure that each Work Center has the relevant Sub Factory (highlighted above).

2.   From the Main Management Menu select Setup > Employee and click Edit next to the the relevant Employee's name.


     Under the Factory Options column if Show All Work Centers is switched on (see highlighted above) then in the Factory version all Work Centers will be visible in the Work Center drop down list (see below).


3.    However if in the Edit Employee page, a Sub Factory is selected (see highlighted below), an additional button called Filter Sub Factory Work Centers (see highlighted below) will be visible. 

           If this button is switched on then only Work Centers that have a matching Sub Factory with the Employees Subfactory will be visible in the drop down list.

        Note that it is not possible to have both Show All Work Centers and Filter Sub Factory Work Centers on at the same time.

        For example, in the example below only Work Center 1 and Work Center 2 will be visible as they are in the same Work Center (Machine Shop) that the Employee is in. 


See also