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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Employee Topics  > Editing Employees Times

Editing Employees Times

There are several ways to edit Employee times

1.  Edit Employee Clock In And Outs show a calendar view of an Employee's Clock In and Outs.  

     Clock In and Outs are viewed by month, or week, or day.  Times can be dragged / dropped, added to and deleted all with a few clicks of the mouse. 

2.  Edit Employee Log In and Log Outs show a calendar view of an Employees Log In and Log Outs on various Tasks 

     Log In and Outs are viewed by month, or week, or day.  Times can be dragged / dropped, added to and deleted all with a few clicks of the mouse. 

3.  Editing Clock In and Clock Out Times shows a tabular view of all Employees Clock In and Clock Out Time between two dates.  All times can be edited.

4.  Edirt Employee Work shows a tabular view of an Employee's Clock In and Out and Log In and Out Times between two dates.  All times can be edited.

See also

Calendar Settings

See also