Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Import Export Data > Accredo To Empower
Accredo To Empower
The Accredo to Empower standard interface has been fully developed by Accredo NZ. This is an Accredo NZ fully owned product.
Accredo NZ supply their standard interface to end Client users of Accredo Software.
Accredo NZ are based in Auckland, New Zealand and are suppliers to all Accredo resellers throughout New Zealand and Australia.
This is a two way interface. Every time a New Job is entered into Accredo it pushes New Job information into Empower. Then at set intervals Empower pushes Job Labor Times back into Accredo Job Cost.
Accredo NZ advise the following:
Accredo NZ supply this standard interface to end clients in Australia and New Zealand free of charge exclusively through Accredo resellers on the following basis:
1. The standard interface will need certain customisations on each end Client site, depending on:
- the Client’s particular customisation and use of Accredo Software, and
- the Client’s particular customisation of and use of Empower Software
2. Customisation of the standard Accredo to Empower interface on each end client site needs to be carried out by Accredo NZ
3. Implementation and training of the standard Accredo to Empower standard interface on each new Client site needs to be carried out by the Accredo reseller
4. On each end Client site the end Client will receive the standard interface for free but will pay the Accredo reseller for any customisation required, implementation and training.
Empower Software’s advice:
1. Two interface options you can consider
- Empower's API is available from Empower for free for end clients to engage their Accredo reseller partners to undertake a custom one off development of their own interface requirements between Accredo and Empower if required.
- However the standard interface from Accredo to Empower that is available provides end clients with a proven successful solution that can be customised at a low cost to suit each new end client.
2. One of the strengths of Accredo is that every end client can customise and do customise and use as they wish to. One of the strengths of Empower is that every client can customise and use it as they wish to. This means that end Client customisation of the standard interface will be needed on every client site and levels of customisation will vary on Client sites. In non technical terms the Accredo to Empower standard interface is a base by which the end Client has their Accredo reseller partner develop the end Client’s required interface.
3. The end Client and the Accredo reseller partner should as part of their due diligence process carry out the following:
- Obtain the standard interface specifications document from their Accredo reseller partner
- Hold a Teamviewer session and telephone conference or face to face meeting with end Client where the Accredo reseller partner presents the standard interface and all functionality.
4. The Accredo reseller partner should prepare a specification of the their and their end Client’s requirements for any custom developments required to the Accredo to Empower standard interface. Investment in preparing a thorough written specification for any customisation required which is complete and right first time will keep development costs and the development time frame down.
5. The end Client is to drive communications of their interface customisation and interface implementation project with their Accredo reseller partner. The Accredo reseller partner will drive communications of any custom development requirements from Accredo NZ.
6. Empower Software will support the end Client and Accredo reseller partner with prompt: advice, access to our Help system and access to Empower Software and Empower’s API.
Please contact your Accredo partner reseller for specifications and a Teamviewer demo on the Accredo to Empower Standard Interface.
See also
Using The API To Post Data
Automatically Updating Schedules