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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Scheduling Topics > Moving Scheduled Tasks > Auto Move > Auto Move With No Gaps

Auto Move With No Gaps

When using Auto Move With No Gaps, succeeding Sequenced Tasks will be moved until they find a day in the Schedule where no Tasks for the Job have been Scheduled.  After that, no further Tasks will be Auto Moved.

The best way to further explain this is through a simple example.  Imagine the following Schedule where Task 1 is to be dragged from the Wednesday to the Thursday (see highlighted below).


So Task 1 will be moved to the Thursday and Task 2 moved to the Friday - but because there is no Task (from this Job) - ie No Gaps scheduled for the Friday, Task 3 will not be moved (see below).


To also move the third Task where there is a Gap see Auto Move With Gaps.


See also