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Home > Quoting > Advanced Topics > Advanced Product Topics > Edit a Product

Edit a Product

To edit a Product, from the main menu go to Set Up > Product > Edit

Either select a Product or a Product Code from one of the drop down lists.  You should see something similar to


From this page you can

  • Alter the Product Status
  • Alter Processes.  Be very careful when altering Processes as this will alter all Quotes that have this Product with those Processes.  This includes Quotes that contain that Product that may already have been accepted and also those that are currently being worked on.  If a Product has a different Process then it is better to make a new Process with a different name.  If you are in any doubt about this we recommend you not alter Processes in existing Products and contact Empower for advice  
  • Alter the Budgeted Time
  • Delete Processes from this Product.  Be very careful when deleting a Process as this will also delete all the Tasks in all Quotes with that Product in it and also times spent on that Process for that Product.  Should you delete these, these will not be able to be recovered. This includes Quotes that contain that Product that may have already been accepted and also those that are currently being worked on.  If an existing Product has different Processes from those previously used, then it is better to make a new Process with a different name. If you are in any doubt we recommend you not delete it and contact Empower for advice. 

 To delete a Product see Deleting Products.

See also