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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Task Topics > Finishing Tasks

Finishing Tasks

There are several ways to Finish individual Tasks

1.  The simplest way is to click on the red button of an Active Task in the either the Management or Factory Task Start and End page (see highlighted below) 


2.  The second way is to alter the status of the Task to Finished in the Editing Tasks page.

3.   The third way is to use the Finishing Jobs page.  Note that this will Finish all the Tasks in that Job.

 4.  The fourth way is to select individual or multiple Tasks to be Finished. 

     To do this - from the Management Main Menu select Task > Finish Tasks.

      You should see a page similar to


Click on the down arrow to the right of the Search for a Process box and select a Process. 

You should see a page similar to

 Click on the Finish button next to the Task to be Finished.

 To Finish more than one Task at the same time, click on the Multi Finish check box for each Task you want to Finish.  Then click on the Multi Finish button.

See also