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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Import Export Data > Importing Job Data > Import Auto Sequence

Import Auto Sequence

It is possible when Importing Job Data to automatically apply a Sequence between the Tasks in each Product.

To do this ensure that the Column in the spreadsheet (not the value in the drop down box) that is mapped to the Auto Sequence (see highlighted below) has a Y in it.


This will ensure that

  • If the Product is a new Product then a Sequence will automatically be created - for example in the above mapping there will be a Sequence created from the Process CNC to the Process Drill and a further Sequence from Drill to Assemble
  • If the Product is an existing Product with any sort of existing Sequence in it, it will use that existing Sequence
  • If the Product is an existing Product with no Sequencing in it, it will use a Sequence in the same manner as described in Auto Sequencing.







See also
Using The API To Post Data
Automatically Updating Schedules