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View Work Center Schedule

It is possible to view the Schedule for a week from a Work Center perspective - i.e. display the various Tasks that each Work Center has scheduled on each day.

 To view the Work Center Schedule

1.  Firstly, from the Main Management Menu go to View > Scheduling > Work Center Schedule.   Y
ou should see something similar to


Clicking any of the arrows (highlighted above) next to the Work Center name hides or displays the Tasks assigned to that Work Center - see below



The following should be noted

1. The first column (highlighted above) displays the daily Capacity (in this instance 8 hours) and also displays the number of hours scheduled for each day (in this instance 12 for the 31st and the 1st).

    Days with more hours scheduled than there is capacity are highlighted in red.  For more capacity pages see Scheduling Capacity.

2.  Each Task is displayed on the day it is scheduled.  If there is more than one Task scheduled on a particular day, the Tasks displayed on that day are ordered by Job Priority.

3.  The number in brackets after each Work Center's name (see highlighted below) is the number of Tasks scheduled for that Work Center for the week.


4.  By default, the color of the Task shows the Task's status - white is Yet To Start, green is Active, and Orange is On Hold. Finished Tasks are not displayed.  For more color options see Scheduled Task Colors.


5.  If there are large numbers of Tasks for any given day you can also view Tasks in a daily view rather than in a weekly view.  To do this, at the top right hand side of the page select the day button (see highlighted below).

6. Tasks can be dragged and dropped from one day to the next - for more information see Moving Scheduled Tasks.

7. Clicking a Task will display the Edit Task page - as per below - for more information see Editing Tasks.


8.   Weekends can be hidden or displayed in Tools > Settings - for more information see Hide Weekends

9.   The data displayed on the schedule can be altered - for more information see Adding Fields to the Schedule.

10.  Scheduled dates for Tasks for a particular Job can be seen in the Job > View Job page - see Viewing Jobs.

11. Company Vacations and Employee Leave will be also be displayed - see Vacations and Scheduling and Managing Leave.



See also