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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Employee Topics  > Facial Recognition > Anti Spoof

Anti Spoof

Sometimes facial recognition systems have been attempted to be bypassed or spoofed with for example the use of a picture or photograph to try and spoof these type of systems.

Empower has a setting called Anti Spoof designed to reduce the ability for the system to be spoofed (see highlighted below).


The default setting for this is 50.

Change this to a higher number (say 60) for a login where you suspect Employees are attempting to spoof the system.

Change this to a lower number (say 40) if you are getting repeated 'Face didn't match.  Try a lower Anti Spoof Setting' messages when it is a real person.

In our testing we found that Employees with fairer complexions can have a lower number.  

See also