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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Scheduling Topics > Scheduling Capacity > Capacity Bar Chart Colors

Capacity Bar Chart Colors


It is possible to change the colors for the Capacity charts - but only an Administrator can make these changes.

 To do this,

1.  From the Main Management Menu, select Tools > Settings and then click on the Scheduling tab (highlighted below)


2.  Clicking on the Advanced button (see highlighted above) displays a number of advanced Settings

3.  Click on Colors for Capacity Charts (see highlighted below)


4.    You should see something similar to

 To change the colors from the default ones:

6.  Click on the black colored box (highlighted above) - a color palette will be displayed.

7.  From the color palette either select one of the basic colors, or click on the right hand side to add a custom color.

In this instance we will select a bright blue (see below)


8. Click OK.  The color will be added to the Colors for capacity chart (circled below)


9.  Continue to add colors - if only one is added all bar charts will be the same color.


10.  To remove a color simply click on the color.

11.  Finally click the Save button.

See also