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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Scheduling Topics > Scheduling Capacity > Capacity By Work Center

Capacity By Work Center

Empower quickly and easily shows the areas in your business where you may be over or under committed and allows you to do something about it.

To set up Scheduling Capacity by Work Center

1.  Ensure at least one Schedule has been set up - for more information see Add New Schedule

2.  To add or Edit the Capacity for a Work Center, from the Main Management Menu select Set Up > Work Center - you should see a page similar to 

Edit Capacity by adding in the daily capacity in hours - e.g. below there is are 16 hours per day available for the Bending Work Center and 8 hours per day available for the Drilling Work Center.


3.  From the Main Management Menu go to View > Scheduling > Capacity > By Work Center.

You should see something similar to


4.   Select the From and To dates and a Work Center (highlighted above) and click OK - you should see something similar to


5.  In the example above:

  • The capacity in any one day has been set to 8 hours (highlighted above)
  • On the 8th, the Time Left of work to be completed in the Work Center is 10 hours
  • Clicking the Process names highlighted at the bottom of the page (eg Cut To Length) etc will add or remove them from the graph - see below where Cut to Length, Milling and Turning have all been clicked on to just leave 4 hours of welding (see highlighted below).


6.  Clicking on the bar will display the Schedule for the Work Center. For more information on Viewing Schedules see - see View Schedule.

See also