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Home > Factory Productivity and Scheduling > Advanced Topics > Advanced Scheduling Topics > Scheduling Capacity > Capacity by Employee

Capacity by Employee

Empower quickly and easily shows Employees who are over or under committed and allows you to do something about it.

To set up Scheduling Capacity by Employee

1.  Ensure at least one Schedule has been set up - for more information see Add New Schedule

2.  To add or Edit the Capacity for an Employee, from the Main Management Menu select Set Up > Employee and click Edit next to an Employee. 

      In the far right hand column (Other Information) you should see Employee Capacity (see highlighted below)



     Edit the Capacity by adding in the daily capacity in hours - e.g. in the example above there are 8 hours per day available for this Employee.


3.  From the Main Management Menu go to View > Scheduling > Capacity > By Employee.

     You should see something similar to


4.   After entering the From and To dates and selecting an Employee you should see something similar to


5.  In the example above

  • The capacity in any one day has been set to 8 hours (highlighted above)

  • On the 31st, the Time Left of work to be completed is 13.33 hours.

6.  Clicking on the Process name on the bottom of the chart will hide that Process on the graph - for example clicking on Assemble (see highlighted above) will hide the Assemble time (see below)


7.  Clicking on the bar will display the related Schedule for that Process or Process Group. 

8.  Note that Employee Leave is reflected in these charts (see highlighted below).


See also