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Empower Quoting is a powerful tool developed for business. It is designed to be used either as a standalone system or in tandem with Empower Time Track and or Empower Materials.


Empower Quoting will benefit your business by

  • Increasing the ease, speed and accuracy of quoting
  • Enabling quotes to be quickly and easily retrieved, copied and amended
  • Eliminating double data entry when used in conjunction with Empower Time Track and or Empower Materials.

This Help system is part of Empower Materials and is subject to the Empower End User License Agreement which can be viewed at www.empowersoftware.biz. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions contained in the End User License Agreement you may not evaluate or use Empower Materials or this help system. 

If you are a first time Empower Quoting user you should carefully read and understand this Introduction, and the Getting Started portions of the help system.


If you are a more experienced Empower Quoting user and wish to find information on a particular topic, use the table of contents or the search function at the top right of the page to find your topic of interest.


See also