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Home > Quoting > Introduction > The Project Champion

The Project Champion

If a carpenter purchased a new saw and it sat in the truck because the carpenter never learnt to use it, it would bring the carpenter no benefit whatsoever.  
Empower Quoting needs one person in your business - a person Empower calls the Project Champion - to learn, champion and own the Empower project.  

Its not hard and it doesn't take a lot of time to get the basics up and running, but it does require a little bit of time and effort and focus by this person until he understands the underlying principles and workings of Empower Quoting. 

Once the Project Champion has this understanding only then is your business ready to start using and benefiting from using Empower Quoting. 

Careful thought should be used in choosing the best possible Project Champion.  The Project Champion should have

  • Some familiarity with software
  • A sound understanding of quoting in your business.

Empower will support the Project Champion with advice and direction on training, set up and implementation and the ongoing use of Empower Quoting in your business. 

The Project Champion needs time to read the Introduction and Getting Started portions of this help system.

See also