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Home > Quoting > Introduction > Quoting In Your Business

Quoting In Your Business

Empower Quoting needs one person in your business - a person Empower calls the
Project Champion - to fully champion and own the Empower Quoting project. 

This requires a focus by this person until the underlying principles and workings of Empower Quoting are understood. 

Once the Project Champion has this understanding only then is your business ready to start using and benefiting from using Empower Quoting.


Careful thought should be used in choosing the Project Champion.  The Project Champion should have

  • Familiarity with software

  • A sound understanding of systems, your products and your business

  • If using other Empower systems in tandem with Empower Quoting, be experienced with those other systems

  • Good project management and communication skills.

 Empower will support the Project Champion with advice and direction on training, set up and implementation and the ongoing use of Empower Quoting in your business.  

See also