Products are items you manufacture that, from a Quoting perspective, have a labor component.
A Product can be a complete item that you manufacture or part of an item that you manufacture.
Products have operational steps or Processes that are carried out - examples of Processes could be cut, drill, assemble, etc etc. You can have whatever Processes you wish and have an unlimited number of them.
A Product can have a default cost. This cost will be the default amount in a Quote (although that cost can be edited - see New Quote and Edit A Quote).
A Product has a Budget for each Process. For example there could be a budget of 1 hour for the Assembly Process.
Give Products names careful thought. Products names
- Should be different from each other
- Should be short and clearly able to be understood by all.
To set up a Product, from the main menu, go to Set Up > Product > Product and click Add new.
Type in the name of the Product.
Then click on the arrow to the right of the box under Processes and select each Process you require and the Budget Time if you know it - then click Add.
Do this for each Process.
When finished your page should look something like
If the list is in the wrong order, simply drag and drop the Processes around - e.g. below the Assemble Process has been dragged to the bottom of the list.
Once Products have been entered, a listing of Products in Empower can be printed. To do this, from the main menu go to Reports > Product > Listing.
Or alternatively, to print a listing of Products with Budgeted times for each Process, from the main menu go to Reports > Product > Budgeted Times.