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Share Quote

Empower allows the safe and secure sharing of Quotes with your Customers.

This allows Customers to view the latest version of your Quotes and simply accept a Quote without them having to login to Empower or to your systems.  

Once a Customer accepts a quote you will receive an automatic email notification.

Your Customers can only view Quotes that you allow them to view, and can not alter any information. 

The view your Customer has is live into Empower, so if, for example, a quote is altered and a few seconds later your Customer views the Quote only the latest Quote will be shown.

You can share as many Quotes as you wish with as many Customers as you wish and can delete Customers from the shared list if you wish.

 To share a Quote:

 1.  Once you have created an 
Easy Quote or a New Quote simply click on the Share Quote button to the right of the page (see highlighted below)


2.  This will open a page similar to


2.  Enter in the email address of your Customer (see highlighted above) and click Share.  You should see a page similar to

3.  From this page

  • additional email addresses can be added
  • Quotes can be resent
  • email addresses can be deleted.

See also 
Company Logo


See also