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The Easy Start Page

After logging on to Empower Quoting, the Easy Start page will display.


This page will get you up and running quickly and easily with Empower Quoting.

 Clicking on each of the menu items in the Easy Start Page will take you directly to the relevant place in Empower Quoting without having to learn how to find those pages.

Taking each in turn

New Quote

1. Easy Quote - a quick and simple way to make a quote - see Easy Quote

2. Quote With Costs - a more complex Quote can be made, with all costs itemized - see New Quote

        Costs come in three types 

3. Product.   Essentially these are labor related costs.  Products consist of processes that have labor attached to them - see Set Up Products

4. Material - see Set Up Materials

5. Additional Costs are costs that are neither Products (i.e. labor) nor Materials - an example may be the cost of a security fence around the Job site - see Set Up Additional Costs

Quote Templates
        6. Quote Templates allow you to reuse previously saved quote formats - see Set Up Quote Templates

Getting Started

This section is intended for first time or novice Empower Time Track users 

7. Start Here - this will quickly get you up and running with a basic Quote
8. Getting Started - Help provides rapid access to Empower's Help system

What's New

9. What's new.  This shows recent developments and enhancements to Empower Quoting.

In addition to the menu items on the Easy Start page you can also navigate to other pages using The Quoting Main Menu.



See also